The COP23 held in Bonn, Germany this year provided an important opportunity for EOMonDis to network with countries involved in the REDD+ process from Africa and L. America but also provided a chance to meet and interview representatives from the financing institutes such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF). The GCF signalled the advent of financing for Results Based Payments (RBP) for countries and outlined the mechanisms for applying for the funding and the requirements that would have to be met. Both the GCF and the World Bank Carbon Fund recognise the limited number of countries ready to apply and implement RBP due to the strenuous technical requirements for emissions assessments that the UNFCCC process has outlined. In this context the EO developments and forest monitoring services that the European EO industry can offer will support countries to bridge the technical gap till national capacities are fully developed.